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Daily Archives: August 18, 2023

Creating Your Dream Home

The holiday season and the promise of a new year approaching very soon is the ideal time to reflect on the previous months and to begin thinking about what you want to do and change in 2023. If like many, your home is your sanctuary, and a crucial part of your happiness and well-being; there’s no better time to consider how you can improve it, and invest your time and effort into creating your dream abode. It can feel a little overwhelming as to where to begin but don’t worry, there are plenty of ways to improve your living space; you just have to find what’s right for you.

Whether you have major plans and a big budget, or you want to do a little here and there, so that you can spread the cost; you’ll be amazed at just how much home improvements and change can impact your life for the better. Therefore grab your notebook and pen, sit on your laptop, or get your notes app ready so that you can begin the planning process from the comfort of your sofa, this holiday season. The following are some ideas, tips, and inspiration for anyone who wants to invest in their living environment next year so they can create their dream home. 

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Big Changes

Maybe you’re taking the dream home thing very literally and are ready to make some big decisions next year so that you can create your dream place. Perhaps you’re looking to renovate your current home, or you want to buy somewhere new so that you can begin knocking walls down or restoring it to its former grandeur.

Whatever you’ve decided is right for you; there’s no better time to start listing the professionals you’ll need to use, and making contact with them. Good builders and estate agents are often busy and booked, so it’s worth contacting them with your plans ASAP. Maybe you want to start from scratch and you’ve been researching custom homes; again, finding a reputable and highly-rated company is the best way to approach this. Make sure you communicate all your wishes and needs in your new home so that your investment really pays off.

Medium Alterations

If the thought of moving or building something brand new does not appeal, or it’s just not feasible for you, there’s still so much you can achieve in your current home. You can focus on the areas or rooms that just aren’t working well for you, or worse, the places in your home that you avoid because you dislike them. 

You can hire a builder to knock down a wall or two, to create an open-concept space that allows you to live and move around the space with ease and enjoyment. Or perhaps it’s time for that new bathroom or kitchen to be installed. The rooms you utilize daily are often the ones that get tired and damaged, so it’s worth looking into the deals you could find in January for new suites.

Small Modifications (Big Impact)

You’d be surprised at what a fresh coat of paint, a new picture shelf, or changing the layout of a room, can do for your interior environment.

 Even something as simple as finally getting around to cleaning the pieces of furniture that have fallen foul to dust and neglect over the years can end up transforming your space more than you would expect. So, get ahead with your spring cleaning this year by pulling out the duster, getting your broom in those hard-to-reach places, and even cleaning hardwood furniture that you usually overlook, including on top of your wardrobes, bookcases, and so on. 

All of these jobs are unlikely to take you more than a day, but they could have some of the biggest impacts in helping you to create a dream home that lasts.

So, roll up those sleeves in the new year and start making a positive change!