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Category: Health

12 Ways To Be Mindful Of Your Health This Year

If you have entered into 2023 wondering what you can do to better your health then you are not alone. Better health and looking after yourself are one of the most popular new year’s resolutions that people make at the start of the year. These tend not to last very long as people are not sure how to go about sticking to them. If this is something you struggle with then you may want to check out the article below. Here you will find many tips and tricks on how you can maintain your health in 2023. 

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One of the most important things to be mindful of when it comes to your health is what you are eating. You don’t necessarily have to be on a strict diet, just eat the right things and enjoy junk food in moderation. If you monitor what you eat then you will notice a huge difference in your overall health. The problem with indulging in too many unhealthy foods is that you will be prone to develop weight-related conditions such as diabetes, and heart disease and you could be at a higher risk of strokes. 


Next, you need to make sure that you are exercising regularly. You don’t need to complete a lot of exercises to gain the benefits that it provides. Forty-five minutes of core exercise workouts every couple of days will ensure that you see the results that you are looking for here. Exercise is a great way to ensure that you can effectively eliminate issues with stress and it may even help keep your body young according to the latest research. If you are not sure where, to begin with, your exercise strategy, explore YouTube or options such as Apple fitness. There are some great choices here that will put you on the right path. 


When it comes to your health you have to remember to drink enough water. Your body is made up of around 60% water, this is regularly lost during the day. You lose water through the natural processes of breathing, sweating, and peeing. If you don’t replace this lost water then you are putting yourself at risk of dehydration. You don’t want to experience this as it can make you disorientated, confused, and give you a major headache. If you struggle to drink water there are tasty drops you can get to make it bearable. These usually contain benefits to your health as well such as added vitamins and nutrients.  


It’s difficult to ensure that you get everything that you need in your diet. That’s why you might want to consider exploring using supplements. With supplements you can fill in the gaps in your fitness and wellness strategy, ensuring that your body gets everything that it needs. Supplements can also be useful if you want to make sure that you are able to train other aspects of your body such as your mind. However, you do need to make sure that you are checking which supplements you are using and choosing products that deliver the best benefits. 


When you are called into the doctor’s for a check it is best you attend. The doctors can check for things that you wouldn’t ordinarily notice yourself. This can be anything from a lack of iron in your bloodstream to more serious illnesses. As you age you will be called for various tests for common cancers including breast and bowel. It may not be pleasant but it is better to be tested for these and to catch them early. 

As well as the usual check-ups it is essential you attend your optician and dentist appointments as well. Keeping your eyes and teeth in good health will give you the boost you may be needing. If you are looking for a dentist then try and do your research for the best dentist online. 

Sleep Well

As an adult you may have heard that you need between six and eight hours of sleep each night, this has recently changed to need between seven and nine hours. The reason sleep is so important is that your body is busy healing and improving as you sleep. It isn’t just about the quantity of sleep you are getting, it is also about the quality. If you are getting around seven hours but this is continuously disturbed throughout the night then you will be feeling exhausted the following day. You should try and find the reasons for your disturbed sleep, it may be down to your mattress being old and lumpy. Your mattress should be changed every eight to ten years so you can continue getting a great night’s sleep. 

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You may not want to go out with your friends or meet up with your family all the time, but this is incredibly good for your mental health. Socializing has been known to cut your risk of developing cognitive issues such as dementia by half. Meeting up with your friends just twice a week is all you need. This could be going out to lunch or dinner, anything you guys like to do is better than nothing at all. So next time your friends invite you out and you are in two minds, take the bull by the horns and head out the door. 

Get Into A Routine

It’s important to get into a routine if you can. The right routine will mean that you feel as though you have a purpose throughout the day and ensure that you stay motivated as well as productive. If you are worried that you are falling out of a healthy routine, then you might want to consider using a tracking application. The right tracking app will help ensure that you can easily monitor your progress and ensure that you are staying on the right path in the long term. Sleep times are particularly important here. With the right sleeping pattern, you can make sure that you have enough energy to get through the day. If you aren’t getting enough sleep, you’ll soon find that it takes a toll on your life. 

Seek Help

If you are struggling with your health, then it’s important to seek help. This could be either a physical or mental issue that you are dealing with. For instance, you might find that you have low levels of energy or that you struggle to get out of bed in the morning. If that’s the case, then you need to make sure that you think about seeking out a professional. Counseling could be a great option here and will guarantee that you no longer feel as though you are fighting this issue alone. 

Avoid Stress 

Stress can have a serious impact on your health. It can impact you mentally and physically over time. That’s why you need to make sure that you are finding ways to avoid stressful situations taking over your life. There are lots of options to explore here. For instance, you might want to think about meditating. Meditating is a great way to learn how to clear your mind on a daily basis. 

Dodge Bad Habits 

Next, you should make sure that you are eliminating as many bad habits as you can from your life. Bad habits come in a variety of different forms. That’s why you need to make sure that you are thinking specifically about the habits that are impacting who you are and how you feel. For instance, this could be something like smoking. Smoking is a threat to your health. However, it’s important to be aware that it’s not the only bad habit that could be dangerous. Even sitting down for long periods without any form of physical exercise could be damaging. That’s why you need to make sure that you are standing up regularly. Sit-stand desks are great for this if you are stuck behind a desk for most of the workday. You might want to try cutting out a bad habit as part of a New Year’s resolution and move forward from there. 

Remember To Breathe 

Finally, you need to make sure that you do remember to breathe. While this might seem obvious, it’s a step that many people completely overlook when they are dealing with their health. You need to ensure that you are breathing deeply to ensure that your body is getting the right level of oxygen it needs on a daily basis. If you are struggling to regulate your breathing or you feel as though you are constantly short of breath, then it’s a smart choice to try yoga. This is a great way to learn how to effectively regulate your breathing and gain the benefits that this will provide. 

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We hope this article gave you some inspiration on how you can enter the new year with great health. Remember, it isn’t just about your physical health, your mental health is also important. Forgetting about this could result in you struggling with your mental health and you needing to discover new ways to cope with this.

What to Know Before You Even Begin to Exercise

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Before you even begin exercise you can put yourself in some danger. So to avoid hurting yourself or others or just starting off wrong, here are some tips to get you started.

First, Know Your Limits

If you’re not used to working out every day, try not to push yourself too far. If you feel pain or discomfort, stop working out right away and take a break. It’s not a good idea to ignore pain because it can make things worse. If you continue, you will cause permanent damage. And now that it’s getting colder, you should wear clothes that are right for the weather to prevent winter orthopedic injuries. You can easily slip, trip, or fall in snow and ice, causing severe injuries.

Work Out a Schedule

Having a regular schedule for exercise is important for success. You are much more likely to stick to an exercise routine if you develop one around your life and commitments. So, making a timetable or working out at the same time every day can help you keep your routine going and make it last longer. Plan to work out at a time that suits you most. Most people exercise before work in the morning or after work on the way home. Others even do it on their lunch break.

See Your Doctor Before You Even Begin to Exercise

Before you start an exercise routine, it’s important to talk to your doctor and get a physical exam. This is especially important for people who are just starting to do physically demanding things. An early checkup can find any health problems or conditions that could make you more likely to get hurt while working out. Also, if you hire a personal trainer, a health check can help him, or her make a plan that fits your needs. This will be about the things you can do safely.

Start with Things You Enjoy

Not every exercise is hard and demanding. And doing something, even something simple, is better than doing nothing. Some can also be done with a group. These include things like swimming and dancing, which you can do with other people. You can also do sit-ups, press-ups, and lunges without any equipment. And muscle-working balance exercises like yoga are also popular. All of these are often available at local sports centers for free if you are a member.

Learn About Healthy Eating

You should learn as much as you can about what you eat. This is because the food you eat affects your body and mind. This can be hard to understand, and the Internet is full of wrong information from people who aren’t always experts. So, one of the best ways to work out and eat right is to learn about sports nutrition. You can eat healthily. But you also require specific vitamins and minerals when working out. Some help your training, and others help recovery.


You can avoid some of the worst issues by understanding what to do before you even begin exercising. These include knowing your limits, getting a physical, and changing eating habits.

The Ultimate Guide to Different Types of Coffee and Their Health Benefits

Photo by Dominika Roseclay

Do you love coffee? If so, you’re not alone. Coffee is the most popular drink in the world. But many people don’t know that there are different types of coffee, and each has its own health benefits and side effects. This blog post will explore the different types of coffee and their associated health benefits and side effects. We’ll also provide tips on how to make healthy choices when it comes to drinking coffee. So read on to learn more!

Introduction to Different Types of Coffee

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world, with billions of people enjoying its rich flavor and energizing effects every day. Many types of coffee are available, and each has its distinct taste and health benefits. To better understand the various coffee variations, this guide will provide an overview of different types of coffee and their associated health benefits.

Benefits of Regular Coffee

Regular coffee is made by brewing ground beans with hot water. It is often served with cream or sugar and can be enjoyed as drip coffee, French press, pour-over, or cold brew. This coffee contains antioxidants that can help protect against inflammation and may even reduce the risk of certain diseases. Regular coffee also contains caffeine, which can increase alertness and boost energy.

Advantages of Espresso and its Variants

Espresso is exceptionally concentrated and rich in flavor, making it an ideal choice for espresso-based drinks like lattes or cappuccinos. Its higher caffeine content also makes it a great pick-me-up for those seeking a quick burst of energy. One main benefit of the espresso is that it can be prepared quickly and easily with minimal equipment. Additionally, this type of coffee has been found to have more antioxidants than regular coffee varieties, boosting its health benefits even further.

Health Benefits of Instant Coffee

Instant coffee is made from brewed and dehydrated coffee beans. As a result, it has a longer shelf life than regular or espresso varieties, making it an accessible option for those on the go. While instant coffee does not have as many antioxidants as other types of coffee, it still provides some health benefits due to its caffeine content. Studies have suggested that instant coffee can boost energy levels, enhance alertness, and improve cognitive performance.

Drawbacks of Unhealthy Coffee Varieties

Certain unhealthy coffees are made with added sugars, syrups, creams, and artificial flavors, which can add to calories and fat content. Not only do these ingredients detract from the natural flavor of the beverage, but they can also increase the risk of developing health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

Finding the Right Balance for Your Health and Taste buds

If you are indeed a coffee lover, getting a Monthly Coffee Subscription can be the best idea you have had in a while! Coffee can be a great way to start your day, but it’s essential to consider the health benefits of different types before indulging in your favorite coffee variant. For example, regular coffee is packed with antioxidants, espresso has an extra energy kick, and instant coffee is a convenient option for those on the go. However, avoiding unhealthy varieties containing added sugars or artificial flavors is best. By considering all these factors, you can find the perfect balance between taste and health benefits when enjoying your morning cup of joe.

Ensuring You Are As Healthy As Can Be

Are you struggling with your health? As you get older, it can feel as though you are in a constant fight to stay fit and healthy. This isn’t too far from the truth because your body isn’t quite as resilient as it used to be. So, here are some of the steps that you can take to keep your health on the right track. 

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One of the first major things you should be focusing on is your diet. If you are trying to be healthy and eat better then you should enjoy junk food in moderation. This means maybe eating that piece of cake once a week rather than everyday. It can be so tricky knowing what advice to follow these days as there are so many different versions of guidance. If you are not sure where to begin then you may be better off speaking to a nutritionist about your health. They will be able to give you advice on what to eat and how big your portion sizes should be. 


It’s worth thinking about whether you are getting enough exercise overall. Ideally, you should aim for at least forty-five minutes of exercise every couple of weeks. Remember, this doesn’t have to be intense forms of impact. Low impact exercises such as walking and yoga provide great benefits. 


Another point to consider is whether you are getting enough checkups for your health. You should be going to the doctor at least once a year to get checked out even if you feel as right as rain. This will help you catch health issues earlier including everything from infertility causes to the warning signs of cancer. You should also head to get a check up if you notice a significant change to your health. For instance, you may be feeling more tired than usual or you could be losing weight despite no significant change to your diet. 


Next, you should think about issues with your sleep. On average, you should be getting at least eight hours of sleep per day. Most people get far less than this overall and that’s a problem. It can mean that you will struggle to function as effectively as you should. If you are having issues with sleep, it’s probably going to be down to your sleep environment. To fix this, you might want to try removing technology from your bedroom or getting a comfier mattress. 


Finally, you might need to think about issues with stress in your life. It’s possible that you are constantly feeling overly stressed and under high levels of tension. Overtime, this is going to begin to impact your physical and mental wellbeing. That’s why it’s important to make sure that you are finding time and ways to relax. One of the ways that you can do this is by focusing on meditation and breathing exercises. If you do this on a daily basis, it will help you relax more easily. 

We hope this helps you understand some of the key steps that you can take to ensure that you are as healthy as possible. This will help you achieve the best quality of life and potentially help you avoid some health issues that are becoming increasingly common.

What you Need to Focus on for Optimal Health

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Have you been feeling a little bit out of sorts lately? Don’t worry; that’s perfectly normal. Human beings are a combination of systems and processes, we are not exactly machines, but we are complex. One of the best ways to optimize your health is with an activity like swimming or yoga. Find out more about your body systems and how you can make them healthy in the article. 

Mental Health 

A human being is a collection of systems with one thing affecting another. For example, anxiety can affect the way you think and behave, and you might not make the best life choices if you’re feeling anxious. Conversely, someone feeling joyful will make choices to benefit their life overall. 

Understanding this is central to maintaining optimal mental health. If you have too many thoughts or you are locked into a way of thinking about an issue, it can be helpful to move around. Trying some movement exercises to change the way you feel and how you think.

Body Health 

It’s important to look after our bodies so that they can look after us. When we are younger, we think less about the health of the body because everything operates as it should; but as we get older, issues start to arise, it’s easier to gain weight, and things go wrong with body organs. 

Bladder health is very important. The bladder is a body organ that processes liquid waste; when it doesn’t work correctly – usually because of illness or disease – you might need to visit a medical professional for advice. Often, the solution is a urinary tract Coloplast catheter device.

Social Health 

Sometimes overlooked, social health is another crucial component of optimal health and well-being. Without friends and family members in our life, we can start to feel lonely and isolated, which begins to affect our mental well-being and optimal health. But there are answers.   

It can be difficult to tell if you are experiencing mental health issues as a result of isolation, so make sure you join groups and communities. Think about your interests and passions, then join some groups to meet like-minded people; keep a journal to detail how you feel at different times.    

Emotional Health 

As far as we know, animals don’t think – at least not in the way humans think; otherwise, there would be some kind of animal civilization. But one thing we can agree on is that animals feel things; they have emotions. Fear, affection, and anxiety can be clearly perceived in animals. 

Like animals, humans have feelings and emotions, and these perceptions have evolved prior to thinking. It’s important to stay aware of emotions so that you can benefit from effective thinking. The best way to become aware of emotions is by using mindfulness and meditation techniques.   

Final Thoughts 

Optimal health doesn’t only mean physical health or mental health; rather, it’s a combination of many systems, environments, and life situations. Chances are your overall health is out of balance to some degree, but you can create optimal health by paying attention to these areas.

My Wellness Journey

I have been on a journey toward wellness for a while now but honestly just hit a wall the past year. I met Dr. Jake Deutsch in the new year and started following him and his practice Oakwood Precision Medicine. I am really impressed with the information Dr. Jake posts and when he told me he was starting a weight loss and wellness program, I told him that I was very interested in joining.


I have been on the program with Dr. Jake for 6 weeks and already lost 15 pounds. Dr. Jake is very informative about improving your health step by step and is constantly available to answer any questions or concerns. He begins with a full-body scan, and yes it is scary to see the reality (at least for me) but so informative and really motivating. You repeat your scans about every 6 weeks to monitor your progress. He gave me the Oakwood app to follow on my phone which serves as my own personal health dashboard which I refer to constantly to keep me on track.

So far I am so happy with the program. Here is what I am doing differently..Fasting 3 days a week, Getting more steps in 4 days a week, Focusing on only eating 1/2 of my portions, if I am eating out, and Staying away from Carbs and Sugar!!!

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I highly highly recommend Dr. Jake if you are thinking of a health reset. He is available for consultations and will answer any questions about the program and help to alter it for your individual needs. Email me for your referral!!!

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About Dr. Jake:

Jake Deutsch is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts Medical School.  He is board-certified in Emergency Medicine.  Dr. Deutsch’s specialty training took place in NYC where he was chief resident at Beth Israel Medical Center.  With over 15 years of ER experience, treating and diagnosing complex medical problems is the mainstay of the doctor’s medical practice.  Emergencies like acute myocardial infarction or appendicitis are everyday occurrences for an ER doctor.   At the same time having a broad base of medical knowledge is a necessary skill for ER physicians such as Dr. Jake.  The wide scope of practice allows expertise to treat all ages with a vast array of medical problems.   With a personal interest in anti-aging, Dr. Deutsch has embarked on the exciting field of preventative medicine to help men live their best life.  With the  foundation of Oakwood’s practice, Dr. Deutsch has combined has a unique  skill and personal medical philosophies  


Prior to launching Oakwood,  Dr. Deutsch founded CURE Urgent Care in 2014.  The multi-office immediate care clinics of which, he was the founder and clinical director, are a practice of ten physicians and three physician assistants who are responsible for treating over 4,000 patients a month.  Dr. Deutsch built this practice from the ground up establishing the highest quality of care that earned CURE the rating of the best urgent care in New York City by their patients.  Dr. Deutsch is credentialed at Mt Sinai Health System, which is synonymous with quality healthcare.  Working side by side with some of the best doctors in the world brings yet another dimension to his expertise.