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Get Ready For A Winter Wonderland!!

One of the most requested posts I receive is for outings. During the Pandemic it has been extremely hard to bring anything new to you in regards to outings or things you must see or do.. Most outings are not possible. However, I received a great email the other day. There is a really cool drive through Winter Wonderland Light Show Experience right here in Westchester. It will take place at the Kensico Dam Plaza.

Westchester’s Winter Wonderland is a festive 1.2-mile drive through Kensico Dam Plaza, filled with dazzling exclusive light displays that will thrill youngsters of all ages.

See your favorite holiday characters. Jovial music right on your car radio, wave to Santa and other surprises all seen from the safe and controlled environment of your car.

The event will be opened every night from November 27th through January 3rd. To purchase tickets, click HERE.

Following are some highlights from the show:



Talking Facial Hair Removal…9 choices for you ladies…

It’s nice to have so many options for facial hair removal, but the truth is that each of the top methods has its advantages and drawbacks.

1. Shaving and Dermaplaning

Years ago, when one of the original New Jersey Real Housewives confessed to shaving her face with a razor, it caused some viewers to react with shock and surprise. But these days, the practice is more widespread. While some still may attempt this at home with a conventional razor, others are making appointments for professional dermaplaning with a tool that resembles a surgical scalpel.

Dermaplaning (also called microplaning or blading) is not something you’d want to attempt on your own since the tool is very sharp. Women who swear by this method say it not only removes hair but helps to exfoliate their skin as well. It’s not an inexpensive treatment, however, and the results do not last very long. Aside from the skin treatment, dermaplaning only acts to shave off the outer growth of hair– similar to how guys shave every morning.

Shaving with a conventional razor is a much less costly way to remove facial hair and exfoliate, but even with a multi-blade razor, you can still experience irritation and dryness, especially if you have to shave frequently.

2. Tweezing

Tweezing pulls the hair out from the root, is not too painful, and is a very inexpensive method. However, it’s not a permanent solution, since results only last from three to either weeks, at best. Plus, tweezing is most often used to remove stray eyebrow or chin hairs, but it’s not practical for areas of the face with more hair growth.

3. Depilation

Depilation using creams or gels is an inexpensive way to remove facial hair. These products are widely available at any drugstore, and the results last longer than shaving.

But depilatories carry a risk for skin irritation, which is why manufacturers recommend you first do a patch test to see how your skin reacts. Depilatories work by using chemicals like calcium thioglycolate or potassium thioglycolate, which weaken the hairs by breaking down disulfide bonds in keratin. Stubble will likely reappear after only a week, and frequent use can cause redness and irritation.

4. Waxing or Sugaring

Waxing – in which soft or hard wax is applied to the skin and hair is pulled off in patches – is a popular hair removal option for many women, but it’s considered one of the more painful methods. Sugaring is similar to waxing in that it also rips hair from the root, but the technique is slightly different and some say it hurts less than waxing.

If you’re sensitive to the ingredients in the wax, it could cause skin irritation. Since only sugar, water, and lemon juice is used to make sugar for hair removal, there’s less chance of a reaction.

Ingredients aside, a poor application and removal of the wax or sugar could mean the hair follicles aren’t removed entirely, which would lead to ingrown hairs. To avoid bumps from ingrown hairs, it’s best not to use an in-home kit for waxing or sugaring, especially if you’re inexperienced.

5. Threading

Threading originated centuries ago in far eastern cultures. The process involves moving a thread in a circular motion over an area of hair growth until the thread is very taut and the hairs can then be lifted from their follicles.

The benefits of this technique are that it lasts longer than shaving or tweezing, it won’t cause ingrown hairs, and it doesn’t use any ingredients that might cause a skin reaction. It is considered to be mildly to moderately painful, however, and is typically only used for brows. Since it’s a complicated technique, you won’t want to attempt this on your own.

6. Epilation

Epilation is like tweezing, but relies on an epilation device that can remove many hairs at one time. It’s considered to be more painful than tweezing, but less than waxing.

This method is best used for removing the stray hairs that appear between hair removal appointments, and it’s suggested that you don’t use this method for areas that require precision, like your eyebrows. Epilation is typically a DIY method, but the epilation device is far more expensive than a tweezer. Like many of these hair removal methods, epilation can also cause skin irritation and redness, especially when done by someone inexperienced.

7. Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal uses a beam of concentrated light to target hair follicles. When the follicles absorb the light, it’s converted to heat, which then alters the follicles so that hair either cannot grow back or will reappear much finer. Laser treatment is one of the only methods that can lead to a permanent reduction in hair growth.

Laser hair removal is safe and FDA-approved (when it’s done by a trained professional). It can take about six sessions to achieve permanent hair growth reduction, and the sessions are not inexpensive. But given that this method can achieve permanent hair reduction, it’s an upfront investment that will pay off in the future, as you will not need to spend money on other hair removal approaches that require you to keep coming back.

Most people say laser hair removal feels like a rubber band is snapping at your skin, and although there may be some redness or irritation immediately after the procedure, it typically goes away quickly.

8. Electrolysis

Electrolysis is similar to laser hair removal in that it also uses heat to destroy hair follicles, and can likely lead to permanent hair removal. Rather than a beam of light, electrolysis uses a needle to penetrate the follicle.

Electrolysis is time-consuming since the needle can target only one follicle at a time (laser beams cover a broader area), and you’ll require more sessions to remove hair compared to the laser technique. Unfortunately, electrolysis cannot guarantee permanent hair removal, no matter how many sessions you go through.

9. Topical Prescriptions

Topical prescriptions block an enzyme that’s required for hair growth, but it’s prescribed to slow growth rather than remove hair or make it fall out. These prescriptions can possibly cause skin irritation, and they’re typically prescribed for medical skin or hair conditions over errant chin or lip hair. These prescriptions also work only as long as you continue to use them, which can become very costly as time goes on.

The Winner: Facial Laser Hair Removal in NYC

If you’ve decided you’re tired of waging the war against unwanted facial hair and are looking for a permanent reduction in hair growth, consider the many benefits of facial laser hair removal. It’s the best option to get rid of unwanted hair, and the upfront cost is well worth it in the long run.

Are You Sick Of Amazon Day Yet?…..

I know, I know all you are hearing about is Amazon Day and you are sick of it!! BUT today is the day to debut something for ME>>>>>>>

I thought you might be interested in MY NEW page on Amazon.

Here is where you can find all of my top picks in fashion, home, jewelry, seasonal decor and so much more…I have been working on it for months and I am finally ready to debut it for you!!!

Now you have one place to go to find my monthly best sellers long after the post has gone. And the best part, I will update it often so there will always be something new. In the upcoming Holiday months, I will be adding aspecial gift-giving sections that I know you will LOVE.

So check it out and let me know your thoughts!!!

Five Tips For Financial Freedom Friday!!!!

We have not had a financial post lately soooooo….

The strangeness has of 2020 has had many people take a hard look at their finances, in order to increase their sense of financial security and freedom. If you’re looking at your finances and money management skills with new eyes, here are some top tips to help you better look after your money and be more secure for years to come. 

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  1. Plan ahead. It’s never too early to start thinking about the money you might need in the future. It’s a good idea to begin saving for your retirement as soon as you are able to, as the earlier you start, the more you will have to live on in later life. If the company you work for has a 401k scheme, join in and start saving. Remember that your retirement savings will need to cover living expenses, medical care, and the cost of home care, even if you are able to use CDPAP
  2. Budget. Learning to budget is a key skill if you want to be good with money. How you budget is up to you, but you need to track all your income and outgoings. Record these using an app, a notebook, or whatever you like. With everything accounted for, you can clearly see where you could save money, and can set limits on yourself. For example, you may be shocked by what you spend on coffee every month and can find a cheaper alternative to save money. 
  3. Pay down your debt. If you have any debts, make it a priority to pay those down as soon as you can. The longer you stay in debt, the more you end up owing, thanks to interest. Debt can easily snowball and cause you a lot of financial difficulties later on. Look at all your debts and see which has the highest interest rate. Focus on that one first. When that’s paid off completely, move to the next highest interest rate. Keep up with payments on all debts to avoid late fees and damage to your credit score. 
  4. Look for cheaper options. After you’ve listed all your outgoings, you can look at switching the expenses you can’t avoid to cheaper options. Could you save money on your bills by changing suppliers for your electricity, for example? Changing from your current provider to one that’s more cost-effective can make a big impact on your monthly electricity expenses. Providers have also become more competitive with their prices in addition to more companies entering the market. Some who specialize in sustainable electricity even offer special rates for green energy. Also, check out sites that compare electricity providers with each other in terms of rates, reviews, and service. They sometimes offer discounts that you wouldn’t find on the companies’ websites themselves. Could you reduce your food bill by shopping at a different supermarket, buying cheaper brands, or meal planning? You can potentially make big savings by making changes like this. You can use money comparison sites to find cheaper options. 
  5. Start saving. If possible, it’s a good idea to have three to six months of living expenses in a savings account. If you have this, if you lose your job or are unable to work because of illness, you have a buffer to keep you going for a few months. A lot of people think they can’t afford to save, but after you’ve overhauled your budget, you should be able to find at least a small amount to put away each month.

How To Take Some of the Stress Out of Moving

Moving home can be an emotionally charged time that you will experience at least once throughout your lifetime. It can come with a host of exciting possibilities, as well as being one of the more stressful moments in your life.  

There is much to get organized from buying and selling property, organizing and packing, and somehow finding a way to get your belongings into your new home.  

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Here are some things to consider to take the stress out of moving house. 

Pack It Up and Clear it Out

Moving home also means having to clear out a lot of the junk that accumulates over a certain amount of time of living in one place. 

Moving somewhere smaller? Measure up your new home to check your large furniture has a place to live, too. If not? Sell it and use the profits to add finishing touches to your new place. 

This can be a great opportunity to clear out the things that no longer serve a purpose in your life- while it’s nice to hold onto some memories, your job now is to look toward the future. 

When clearing your stuff, create four piles: keep, sell, donate, dispose. The keep pile is for the stuff you use every day. If the item still has life in it and it could be worth some money- sell it. If someone else can make use of it- donate it. If it has seen better days and is completely unusable- time to let that thing go. 

Research Shipping Companies 

Now you’ve chosen the city and the place, it’s time to think about how you’re going to get there. 

Whether you choose to arrange the process yourself, or use the services of professional companies like Shiply, you’ll want to make sure that your possessions get to their destination unscathed. 

Some companies will also provide boxes and packing materials as part of their service, but it’s best to ask around for extras- you can never have too many boxes! 

There are plenty of extra things to do when moving to a new place— do your research and plan well! 

Let Loved Ones Know Where you’ll be going 

In amongst the stress of planning to move, it can be easy to forget the basics- letting your friends and family know that you’re moving, and more importantly, to where. 

For bigger moves to a different part of the country, you might want to host one final get-together so that those you’re leaving behind get an opportunity to say goodbye. 

It might be tempting to break the news on social media, but for your nearest and dearest, reach out to them first before extending it out to your wider network. 

Ensure people that your new home is open to them once you get settled in- why not even plan a painting party to get some help with the decorations?

Moving home doesn’t have to be stressful. Plan well and execute carefully. 

Book Club Monday

Oh My…things are rough..between the Debates and Covid, things coming out of Washington are getting even worse (just when you thought it really couldn’t). I decided to bring us back in time to the White House. Back to what life was like Upstairs At The White House, when J.B. West was the Chief Usher. His career spanned over 3 decades


In this New York Times bestseller, the White House chief usher for nearly three decades offers a behind-the-scenes look at America’s first families.
 J. B. West, chief usher of the White House, directed the operations and maintenance of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue—and coordinated its daily life—at the request of the president and his family. He directed state functions; planned parties, weddings and funerals, gardens and playgrounds, and extensive renovations; and, with a large staff, supervised every activity in the presidential home. For twenty-eight years, first as assistant to the chief usher, then as chief usher, he witnessed national crises and triumphs, and interacted daily with six consecutive presidents and first ladies, as well as their parents, children and grandchildren, and houseguests—including friends, relatives, and heads of state.
J. B. West, whom Jackie Kennedy called “one of the most extraordinary men I have ever met,” provides an absorbing, one-of-a-kind history of life among the first ladies. Alive with anecdotes ranging from Eleanor Roosevelt’s fascinating political strategies to Jackie Kennedy’s tragic loss and the personal struggles of Pat Nixon, Upstairs at the White House is a rich account of a slice of American history that usually remains behind closed doors.

Such as great thing to read during an election year, especially when tensions are so high. For more information or to order this book,. click HERE.