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Category: General

Fashionable Friend Friday

This week’s Fashionable Friend Friday are a pair of friends!!, Bets and Ally.  They are two very talented ladies who own the store Nest Inspired Home in Rye, NY.  Nest is my go to for home accessories and furniture.  Unfortunately I met these ladies right as I finished my home renovation but I make it a point to stop into their gorgeous shop frequently to check out new home trends, vintage finds and clean lined furniture.  I always seem to walk out with a little trinket whether it be a delicious smelling candle, a set of unique vintage glasses or a contemporary coffee table book!!  You can also find Nest online HERE.

The Polo Bar

Last Saturday night my husband and I went to The Polo Bar, Ralph Lauren’s first restaurant in New York, featuring classic American cuisine and speciality cocktails.  Since it’s opening last December, The Polo Bar has been the “IT” place to dine in New York City.  I usually rope my girlfriends into coming with me when I go somewhere to research for my blog, but THIS outing I thought was “husband worthy”, so off we went.  The restaurant is beautiful.  It is very regal looking, decorated in the typical iconic Ralph Lauren style, similar to that of his other retail and dining locations.  There were special touches everywhere.  The drinks are stirred with little polo mallets, which they generously gave me a few, to feature on my own bar cart at home.  A small memento from such a special place.  If you are in New York and have the opportunity, you will LOVE The Polo Bar!

images Ralph Lauren

Girlfriend Tip …..ThredUP

Since I have started this blog, I think this is probably one of the BEST tips that I am going to give my readers.  I recently found a company called ThredUP.   It is the Web’s largest clothing consignment shop, specializing in providing high quality like-new clothes at reliably low prices.  The beauty of this site, is that they will send you a bag, to fill with clothes that you want to clean out of your closet and your children’s closets and give you CA$H.  You can decide whether you would like to donate what they do not keep or would like them to send the items back to you, for a small fee.  ThredUP is offering to mail you your clean out bag with return shipping for FREE (you fill it, seal it and leave it out for your mail carrier).  All you have to do is click  HERE to sign up.  I have already filled up quite a few bags myself and the money has really started to add up.  ThredUP has been amazing!!!

Book Club Monday

A great book was recommended to me over the weekend, it is The Asylum: True Tales of Madness from a Life in Fashion by Simon Doonan.  Simon is the Creative Ambassador at Large at Barney’s New York.  He is responsible for their wonderful year round outstanding window displays.  He is also married to designer Jonathan Adler.  I met Mr. Doonan a year or so ago at the NY Gift Show and he was just as fabulous as the designs he creates.  I cannot wait to read this book and the juicy fashion secrets it holds! You can buy this book HERE.

Happy Easter


On the Radio

I have some exciting news….from now on, on Mondays from 11-11:30 I will be hosting a lifestyle radio show on WVOX 1460am based upon this blog.  We will be talking about Fashion, Family and Fun.  You can tune into and listen live.  For our first show on 4/6 we will be talking with my good friends Betts Miller and Ally Drew about whats new in home interiors and how to spruce up your home for the spring.  They own a gorgeous store in Rye New York called Nest.  You can visit their beautiful website HERE.  We are looking forward to seeing you “On The Radio”.