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Category: General

Fashionable Friend Friday

I read many many blogs for inspiration.  But one in particular, I have really been enjoying this past fall.  One of the sweetest girls I know, Molly, went on her junior year abroad to Florence.  This is in itself a huge accomplishment.  You have to apply and these days,  EVERYONE wants to go abroad during their junior year, so it is soooo competitive.  Molly was of course accepted into the Syracuse program and off she went to Florence.  She started the most adorable blog chronologizing her  time abroad and her fabulous adventures.  I loved reading every entree from her first days staying with “Nonna” to her descriptive account of visiting Rome, and how she felt her grandmother with her in the Sistine chapel and her detailed account of beautiful Positano.  Molly, your writing is incredible, I felt like I was travelling with you and your words and insights were so wonderful and well chosen.  Thank you for allowing us into your semester abroad.  And, welcome home!!!!  We missed you!!!!  Please check out Molly’s blog HERE.  You will love it!!!!!  Grazie Mille, Molly!!!!!!

Christmas Cocktail

When I throw a party, I love to serve a special cocktail.  I think this holiday season I would like to serve a champagne cocktail.  I found a whimsical version that I am looking forward to try!  CHEERS!!!!!

Cotton Candy Champagne Cocktail

cotton candy
St. Germain liquor

Place cotton candy in glass
Add a splash of St. Germain
Fill to the top with Champagne


Gifts for Your BFF

I get by with a little help from my friends……that is why I really want to get my besties something great for Christmas!!!!!!  My friends are my support system and cheerleaders.  They keep me going with their constant emails and text of praises, purchases of my recommendations and overall day to day good cheer.  It would be so hard to go on without them.  I have some great picks for your girlfriends this Holiday season.  Happy Shopping!!!!

Gifts for Your BFF

Havaianas print shoes

Statement ring

Eloquii rope jewelry

Linda Richards gray hat

To order $45 email

Tom Ford velvet matte lipstick

Fekkai makeup purse

Prada canvas home decor

Fake fur throw
$45 –

Gingerbread Houses

A very considerate friend gave my three children the most perfect Gingerbread houses.  The only glitch is that they have to decorate them!!!  This is going to be our weekend project.  We will be armed with Royal Icing and up to our eyeballs in candy, BUT we really need some inspiration.  Aren’t these the most wonderfully decorated houses?  I think my favorite is the gumdrop!  FYI you can actually go on the site Grin and Bake It and they have a gingerbread house candy list full of fun decorating ideas.  Check it out HERE.





Book Club Monday

This blog takes me on a daily journey to find the most interesting things to post for my readers.  Whether it be a play, must try recipe, a person of interest or scouring the web for the perfect real estate stalking property.  However, my latest adventure last week had to be one the best so far.  I went to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to hear Diane Von Furstenberg speak about her life, her accomplishments, her disappointments and so much more.  She was so candid and animated, that I was just in awe of this amazingly talented lady.  Her clothes have always been so iconic.  Who would not love to have a closet full of DVF?  But, Diane, the woman, is so much more that her brand.  She is so inspirational with her mission of empowering women.  She believes a women should be independent and always be her own person and be able to reach her goals without being afraid.  This and more is chronologized in her book The Woman I Wanted To Be.   Over this Christmas break, I intend to listen to the audio version of the book because I want to hear her life story in Diane’s own voice.  You can buy the book or audio book HERE!  Happy Reading (or listening).   
The incredible Harold Koda curator of the MET Costume Institute gave the greatest introduction


Real Estate Stalking

This week’s real estate stalking is none other than the White House.  More specifically, the White House at Christmastime.  This year Carolina Herrera was asked to decorate the China Room.  I have always admired Ms. Herrera’s designs.  They have such a “ladies who lunch” elegance.  I really believe that no matter what the occasion, if you are fortunate enough to wear Carolina Herrera, you will be impeccably dressed.  So you can imagine how excited I was to see finished product of the China Room Holiday Decor.  The end result is truly beautiful.   What an inspiration, as I attempt decorate our tree this weekend!!!!