I recently tried Westchester Milk at home fresh food delivery. All the products available are all natural with no pesticides, artificial preservatives, additives or growth hormones. They source everything from local family owned dairies and farms delivered right to your door step every week. I have already tried some of the amazing products and I am hooked. From milk to local grass fed ground beef to quality eggs, and fresh squeezed juices, Westchester Milk has it all and more. To place your own order or for more information, click HERE.
OK readers, I am finally sharing with you my pick for the best read of the summer. And, it is Fitness Junkie: ANovel by my friends the AWESOME Lucy Sykes and Jo Piazza. I loved their first book, The Knockoff and was waiting with bated breath for this new one. I just received an advanced copy. Thank you so much Doubleday Books!!!!!! And I read it from cover to cover almost immediately!!! Here is the story (you are going to LOVE it)…
I had an awesome Fashionable Friend Friday post in the works for you but I needed a little bit more time to perfect it, so I am doing a post on something that has been a HUGE “thing” around here. My girls have been BEGGING me for a dry erase/whiteboard wall. They use whiteboards in school and really wanted one at home to help them with their homework and to study. Of course, I said no about a million times. First of all, I could not imagine anything worse in the middle of our living quarters. It would just look ugly and always be an eyesore, especially with all the writing and erasers and everything else that comes along with it. However, at Christmastime I finally broke down and designated a back hallway (completely out of site from our family, visitors, actually pretty much out of site for anyone) for the whiteboard wall. I purchased removable whiteboard wall stickers (HERE) which are easy to apply and remove, in case I really regretted my decision. I got a nice container to hold all the markers and erasers and a Chinese stool for my girls to sit on or climb up on to reach the top. Well, that white board wall is such a hit. They use it for every test. They write out their notes, organize information, work out tons and tons of math problems and the list goes on and on. As much as I hate to admit, it was a huge win win and my girls tell me it helps them sooo much and takes a lot of the stress out of preparing for tests.
I am starting to plan my Father’s Day menu and I stumbled upon this awesome recipe from the Barefoot Contessa. This Slow-Roasted Filet with Basil Parmesan Mayonnaise is so delicious and easy to make, that Dad will think he is at a 5 Star Restaurant!!! Bon Appetit!!!! Also, click HERE for my Father’s Day gift guide for all you last minute shoppers!!
I recently learned about a very serious issue plaguing our water supply. Millions of American homes are not safe from lead contamination in drinking water and many of these homes are right here in New York and Connecticut. In fact, 20% of the lead blood levels found in our children come from water AFTER it enters our properties (EPA). I did some research and found a company to test our home pipe lead levels!!!!