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Bow Blouses

Sorry this post is a day late….Yesterday totally got away 
from me because our blog theater group went to see 
Clive Owen in M BUTTERFLY….Amazing!!!!!
I was in a Clive haze and I thought I scheduled this 
but I guess I didn’t, so please forgive me!!!! 
onto the fashion….I LOVE bow blouses…they are a 
perfect look for day or night…try them with jeans 
or leather pants.  Also a great holiday look as well!!!
Here are some of my favs.  The black and white one 
from Amazon with the red, white and blue ribbon is 
a winner, soooo Gucci!!!  I also LOVE the 
Zimmerman one as well. I could see that one with 
mink pom pom earrings (stay tuned for my 
Holiday gift guides to get your pair)!!!!…

Bow Blouses

Marc Jacobs bow collar blouse

Zimmermann bow neck blouse

Alice Olivia floral keyhole top

Maze high collar ruffle blouse
$155 –

White tie front blouse

Chicwish shirt blouse

White tie front blouse

Frilled blouse

Patchwork top

More Amazon Christmas Ideas

Hands down this is my favorite candle to burn around during the holidays!!!!!

I love it so much I think I need this size.

Just the right thing to go with all of your Holiday outfits!!!!

Who needs an elf when you can have this decoration? It would look so cute on a chair next to your tree!!!!

Such a great gift for all ages!!!!!!

All of my besties are getting these!! I think the teachers might like them too!!!!

These blankets are all the rage this year. A much have under your tree…..

OK Hands down the cutest gift!!!!!!! I am buying this for my girls!

I received these one year for Christmas and they are still one of the best gifts I ever received!!! Santa, I think I need a pink pair this year!!!!

Best gift for husbands, brothers, dads, sons, actually all the guys!!!!!!!!

These are the cutest, warmest slippers…a home run for everyone on your list…I love the Pink!!!!

Heres a gift for all the jewelry lovers!!!!!

And again I have not forgotten that Thanksgiving is still around the corner…here is my pick this week for a new Thanksgiving family tradition!!!!! AND its an Oprah Favorite Thing!!!!!

Book Club Monday

Today’s book club Monday choice is 12 Days of Christmas With Six Sisters Stuff: Recipes, Traditions   Homemade Gifts, and So Much More.  The book is written by the Six Sisters from the Blog Six Sisters Stuff.  It is such a cute book and I recently saw an interview with the sisters and they were making some of their favorite holiday recipes.  I was totally hooked and knew it would be a perfect choice for my Book Club Monday.  Here is the summary from Amazon:

Overflowing with creative ideas for the holidays, 12 Days of Christmas with Six Sisters Stuff includes dozens of recipes, projects, and ideas for bringing the excitement of the season into your home. With full-color photographs and easy-to-follow instructions, you will find 12 Family Traditions, 12 Homemade Gifts, 12 Christmas Cookie Recipes, 12 Christmas Decorating Projects, 12 Neighbor Gift Ideas, 12 Ways to Make Christmas a Breeze, 12 Quick and East Dinners for Busy Families, 12 Christmas Party Themes, 12 Days of Christmas for Your True Love, 12 Spectacular Christmas Treats, 12 Days of Giving Back, and 12 Christmas Brunch Recipes.
Create delightful family memories with all-new recipes, crafts, and ideas from the enormously popular bloggers.

This book also makes a great gift for family, friends and even teachers….its so festive.  For more information or to purchase, click HERE.

Fashionable Friend Friday

Today’s Fashionable Friend Friday is Dr. John Moore, Celebrity Denitst or “the diamond Dentist” as he is called.  I wanted to ask him about Cosmetic Dentistry, since he specializes in fixing botched dental work and has perfected many celebrity smiles!!!

Why do people seek Cosmetic Dentistry?
There are several reasons people seek out Cosmetic Dentistry. Sometimes its just because they have damaged teeth, or they want an “upgrade” for business reasons or because they’re spending more time in front of the public. We see it when people want to improve dating experiences. Obviously, the underlying motivation is to simply improve the appearance of their smile. The general public is becoming more and more aware of the power of a beautiful smile and they’re not settling for “acceptable” or “you don’t look too messed up”. There’s also a new marketing pitch in Cosmetic Dentistry that is really resonating with the public now and it is “Age Defying Smile Makeover”.
  What happens to our teeth as we age?
 When we age it invariably shows in the teeth. Some people are very hard on their teeth and do little to nothing to keep them up. When this happens it’s obvious in that there are visibly missing, crooked, stained, teeth. This is so slow that some people don’t even see this happen to themselves and just accept it as an aging process. Even when teeth are well cared for they still can get crooked, take on undesirable colors and develop cracks and wear. This makes the teeth look old and worn out. When done properly a new smile makeover can make a person look ten years younger and look so natural no one can tell you had  it done. That’s real Cosmetic Dentistry

 What are the most requested procedures?
 The most requested procedures are whitening and straightening the teeth as a first procedure. Later it is porcelain veneers or crowns when the enamel of the teeth become worn, damaged, or decayed. For a true Cosmetic Dentist, one that pretty much limits his practice to Cosmetic Dentistry, the most common requested procedure unfortunately becomes replacing “obvious” dentistry with restorations that look real or spectacular. Less often, the first time seeker of Cosmetic Dentistry will appear for a first visit to an experienced, talented Cosmetic Dentist because of someone they know that had a great outcome or because they are aware that there are very real differences in Cosmetic Dentists.  Some treat “cosmetic dentistry” as a marketing term and have no real experience or training and others have dedicated their lives to it and have decades of experience and recognition in the field.

Why is cosmetic dentistry so popular with the Hollywood set?
    The obvious reason is they are very much into their appearances. When one actor or  actress nails the audition and gets the part and another sees the success and confidence the smile makeover brings about in their colleague, it becomes contagious. Others now want to experience the same. This then extends over into the Hollywood fringe and groupies and the next thing you know, everyone is doing it. There is definitely an unspoken advantage to having a killer smile and the aware aren’t going to let it pass them by.
   Do you have any at home teeth whitening products you recommend?

          The at home whitening products are all based on the same chemistry which is basically a form of peroxide suspended in some kind of gel. The way you apply the gel is the main difference. It can come in a tube that you apply or brush directly on the teeth or  the more popular strips with the gel in them that you stick on the teeth. If you can tolerate wearing those for hours and buy enough kits you can get a visible improvement. The easiest and “whitest” way is to get a clear flexible tray that fits over the teeth that will allow you to soak the teeth directly in the gel. Also, if you eventually use up the gel you can get a new tube for about $20.00 which is cheaper and far more effective than any strips or kits you can get. This is the fastest deepest  whitening technique you can do at home.  
About Dr. John Moore, Jr., DDS:
Dr. Moore, principal of Cosmetic Dental Associates (CDA), decided to dedicate his life to dentistry after an orthodontist literally saved his smile from buck-toothed ruin at a young age. In addition to the normal training of a dentist in traditional math and sciences, Dr. Moore took the highly unusual step of engaging in formal art education, as well. This combination has enabled a career of creating beautiful smiles: life-like diamond-cut teeth that have empowered his patients to command the careers and live the lives they’ve always wanted.

Barbecue Pineapple Meatballs

A few weeks ago, the company Moore’s marinade reached out to me and asked me to try one of their sauces.  I was thinking of trying Moore’s to help me make an hors d’oeuvres for an upcoming holiday party.  I wanted something that would be a crowd pleaser but would also be easy to eat and did not have to be passed.  I found this recipe for barbecue pineapple meatballs.  Perfect!!!  They are really yummy and totally easy to make…Bon Appetit!!!!

image lil

adapted from Iil
  • ½ cup barbecue sauce.  I used Moore’s Honey barbecue. You can buy it HERE.
  • ½ cup undrained canned crushed pineapple
  • 1 – 16 oz. package frozen fully cooked meatballs
  • salt & pepper

  1. Add barbecue sauce and crushed pineapple to a medium pot. Add salt and pepper to taste. Mix well.
  2. Add meatballs and stir until all coated. Bring to boil and simmer for 8-10 minutes if meatballs are unthawed or for 14-16 minutes if meatballs are frozen.
  3. Serve immediately. ENJOY!

The Cashmere Sale

I was thrilled when the women who are organizing The Cashmere Sale, in Westchester, reached out to me to help promote their month long sale.  I have been going to The Cashmere Sale for years.  I really look forward to it.  Basically it is an annual pop up where they slash the prices of the highest quality cashmere sweaters and accessories.  Every year the selection is different and each year is better than the next.  You can really get something special at a really great price.  This year the sale is here in Westchester at The Vernon Place Shopping Center.  You can also buy online at  Enter the code SCARSDALE for free shipping.   Happy Shopping but hurry its only on for 4 weeks!!!!

I love this lightweight coat with short sleeves.

The cold shoulder trend is so big right now!!

This pom pom scarf and matching sweater is fab…Also check out the pom pom sweater online…its so cute!!!

Some of the selection!!

Another great outfit..casual but chic…..
LOVE, LOVE the sleeves on this sweater and the fur scarf (did I mention they have a bunch of well priced fur accessories!!!!)
Another shot of the coat…so chic!!!!
This fur cardigan is perfect!!!!
Love the Chevron cardigan!!!!!

These are great too…perfect gifts for the teens and college students  in your life!!!!

I saved the best for last..I am in LOVE with this ruffle sleeve sweater…My fav in the entire sale!!!