I have had my eye on this book for a while. Though the subject matter of a funeral seems odd for a Book Club Monday Choice, the recipes and southern traditions featured in this book are really fun and it turned out to be a great read. That is why I choose Being Dead Is No Excuse:The Official Southern Ladies Guide To Hosting The Perfect Funeral for this week. Here is the summary:
In this deliciously entertaining slice of Southern life (and death), inveterate hostess Gayden Metcalfe explains everything you need to know to host an authentic Southern funeral. Can you be properly buried without tomato aspic? Who prepares tastier funeral fare, the Episcopal ladies or the Methodist ladies? And what does one do when a family gets three sheets to the wind and eats the entire feast the night before a funeral?
Each chapter includes a delicious, tried-and-true Southern recipe, critical if you plan to die tastefully any time soon. Pickled Shrimp, Aunt Hebe’s Coconut Cake, and the ubiquitous Bing Cherry Salad with Coca-Cola are among the many dishes guaranteed to make the next funeral the most satisfying one yet. -Amazon.com
For more information, or to purchase this book, click HERE.
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