Over the weekend, I tackled my pantry. It seems to be one of the most disorganized areas of my house. Probably because, everyone is always going in there looking for something. I bought chrome baskets for the shelves. I keep chips, hot chocolate, pasta, crackers, mixes, ziplocs and foodwraps, etc. sorted in each. On the top shelf I keep cans and sauces. Because you can see through the baskets, it makes it very easy find everything and to put the groceries away. I have not bought plastic storage containers, for cereal and rice, yet but thats next! (I think they will go on the bottom shelf)!!
Here are the BASKETS that I use in my pantry. I also like THESE to hold canned goods. And HERE is a great set of storage containers!!
This spring in Stephen Sondheim’s Old Friends, two Broadway icons, Tony Award winners Bernadette…
Image Source – https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/hands-working-network-graphic-overlay-banner…