So today was the first day of school in our neck of the woods. Both my girls are GOUNDED because they would not pose for a photo for me. I always take my annual photo of them walking in the front door of school on the first day. Even my husband was looking forward to it!!!! There has been so much anticipation for this day. Tons of summer work, buying of books and school supplies and even rearranging of desks here at home. But the most fun thing to put together for back to school is our Coffee Station. Mornings around here are brutal. The bus comes earlier and earlier. I have set up a coffee station for my girls so they can grab and go. The Keurig is an absolute lifesaver. Those coffee pods come in so many flavor choices…from hot coco, to lattes, to Chi to iced, everything is available I love these cups with lids that I found on Amazon. My girls usually opt for something hot right out the door and then take one of those bottled Starbucks drinks for later!!! I thought I would show you our station and then give you a few more ideas for setting one up on your own. It is definitely a life saver for all of us in the morning!!!!
Fair Isle sweaters are the epitome of timeless fashion. With their intricate, colorful patterns and…
Emmy® and Golden Globe Award® winner Darren Criss (known for his magnetic performances in Glee…