Watching new shows on TV or online is a great way to pass time and relax after work or school. Media can provide a much-needed escape from the reality of the real world. If you’re an avid tv consumer, you probably keep your eyes peeled for new, exciting shows you can record, stream or watch live. Geoff Johns has developed and executively produced a new web TV series you should consider checking out. If you’re a big fan of action, adventure, and comic books, Stargirl is right up your alley. Here are three unusual facts about the show you may not know about this character.
Stargirl Has Some Big Shoes To Fill
Like a lot of comic book series, characters are connected, and storylines are developed because new people step in to fill new positions. Stargirl is linked to a much larger legacy and is simply continuing on the path of saving people and fighting evil. She’s following in the footsteps of Starman and the heroes that came after him. Another fun fact about Stargirl is she’s the first female to be a part of the legacy. Talk about girl power!
2. Her Staff is Super Important
Some superheroes have powers of their own, but Stargirl taps into her supernatural ability because of a powerful staff. Only a few heroes have had access to the staff, and the staff is responsible for giving her strength and superpowers to fight evil and do good. The staff can actually shift shapes, but Stargirl uses the weapon in staff form when she goes to battle. Her staff gives her an extra boost of power to fulfill her destiny.
3. Stargirl Wasn’t Her Original Name
Before Stargirl was born, she was known as the Star-Spangled Kid. In older days, she was a golden-age hero who was fighting off Nazis and stopping crime. The show goes into the relationship of her new stepfather who she isn’t a big fan of in the beginning. However, as time goes on, she grows to love her stepdad for reasons that far outweigh him being her dad. Instead, she realizes the supernatural power in her stepdad, too.
When you watch a new show, it’s easy to get caught up in what you see, but there’s a lot of caveats and facts that can be missed when you watch a show for the first time. These facts may be subtle, but they give a lot of context and backstory for a new show that’s worth checking out.
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