Printed drawstring bags can be great brand promotion tools when used appropriately. The bags are useful in many casual ways such as for going to the beach, carrying sports items, using them for school swag, storing kids’ toys, or carrying lunch and snacks among other uses.
As such, a wide range of businesses can use printed drawstring bags to promote their brands. To do this, one needs to work with a reliable custom-printed bag seller, who allows customization and facilitates printing. From here, you can now use your printed drawstring bags in various ways to market or promote your brand.
People will always find a way to use drawstring bags. So, you can give them out for any sponsored event such as a charity run, local sports tournament, fashion show, or community health event. All you need is to buy high-quality printed drawstring bags from a reliable seller and give them out to the attendees.
This will definitely publicize your brand all over as the users carry the bags around. If this is what you are looking for, you can try the RocketBags printed drawstring bags, and you will not regret the results.
Do you have a strong social media presence? If yes, then your business’s social media pages have a huge following and many fans. You can hold programs and events such as Facebook Live, TikTok Live, and others where you will give away printed drawstring bags.
You will be surprised that more fans and followers will quickly join your business community to be part of this fun and generous activity. It will also be easier to convert them into buying customers. Most importantly, they will continue to expose your brand to many people as they use printed drawstring bags.
Another great way to use printed drawstring bags in your business is to use them to pack customer goods. For instance, a business that deals with sports clothes, school kids’ products, or any other can pack bought items in printed drawstring bags.
With this, you can rest assured that every customer is an opportunity to publicize your brand name because they will definitely carry the drawstring bag around. As mentioned, these bags are useful in many ways. Perhaps, you have seen school-going kids, particularly teens, carry such bags around.
You can still sell printed drawstring bags if you do not have the financial strength to give them out for free. They can be part of your stock. However, this only applies to some businesses such as ones that sell sports gear. They could also be sold in a kids’ clothes shop, for example.
To sell printed drawstring bags in your shop, they need to be of high quality to give customers a reason to buy them. Also, positioning them strategically will help you sell more. With this, users will publicize your business logo and name wherever they carry these bags around.
See, it is possible to market your brand with printed drawstring bags. They are useful bags, and people will absolutely carry them around, thus exposing your brand to potential customers. Do not forget that the users will also prefer to buy from your business the next time they want a product that you sell. So, consider using them today.
The premium coffee company has created two custom blends exclusive to The Granola Bar
TGB Hospitality Group is pleased to announce an exclusive partnership with Coffee of Grace. The group has teamed up with the Black woman-owned coffee brand to create two signature blends, with Nobu Restaurants being the only other group to ever offer a Coffee of Grace custom blend. Guests will be served the coffee at The Granola Bars in Fairfield, Greenwich, Stamford, and Westport, CT, and Rye, NY as well as Old Mill Grocery & Deli in Westport. All locations will also sell other Coffee of Grace blends by the bag.
Coffee of Grace is a premium coffee company that emphasizes environmental stewardship and seeks to support farmers by sourcing directly from co-ops in Rwanda, Peru, Guatemala, and Brazil. The brand was founded by Grace Hightower in an effort to help rebuild the Rwandan economy – especially after the genocide – and to help support women coffee farmers. Grace set her focus on growing sustainable farming systems in Rwanda by purchasing green coffee directly from the farmers and paying them above fair trade market prices. Her love of coffee and her dedication to helping the coffee farming communities in Rwanda led to the formation of Coffee of Grace. All coffees are 100% arabica, specialty grade, organically grown, and ethically sourced from small lot coffee farmers through 100% Direct Trade business.
Coffee of Grace designed two unique blends for TGB: Moonlight Viennese Roast, and Total Eclipse Espresso/Italian Roast. Moonlight is a balanced and aromatic blend of South American arabica coffees that was carefully roasted to highlight the head notes of the origin’s terroir. There are flavor notes of toffee, honey caramel, fig jam, toasted almonds, and a syrupy dark chocolate round body. Total Eclipse is a distinctive roast that creates a bold flavor experience, with notes of fire-roasted marshmallow, Amaretto, and hints of dark caramel and sweet mesquite. The Brazilian coffee used in both blends was sourced from a woman producer and is certified carbon neutral.
“We are thrilled to collaborate with a fellow woman-owned brand and take our coffee game up a notch in a way that also does good,” said TGB Co-Founder and Co-CEO Julie Mountain. Fellow Co-Founder and Co-CEO Dana Noorily added, “Grace is such an inspiration and we’re proud to support her mission and female coffee farmers.”
Coffee of Grace CEO & Founder Grace Hightower commented, “It is such a pleasure to partner with Dana and Julie as we work together to create an interconnected mission of sustainability, quality, and customer satisfaction through delicious food and premium coffee.”
For more information, please visit
Based in Westport, CT, TGB Hospitality Group was founded by Julie Mountain and Dana Noorily in 2013. The group began as a wholesale granola business and has expanded to six restaurants, a catering business, and a food truck. Restaurants include The Granola Bar in Westport, Fairfield, Stamford and Greenwich, CT, and Rye, NY. The group’s latest venture is Old Mill Grocery & Deli, located in Westport’s Compo Beach neighborhood. For more information, please visit