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Daily Archives: July 1, 2022

Proven Advice To Upgrade Your Professional Hair Styling Skills

Hair styling is a rewarding career option, whether you join a salon or work as an independent artist. Although you may start small, the sky is the limit when it comes to growth. You can run a successful business by setting up a style studio, making good money working as an employee, or serving celeb clients. Whichever route you choose, the possibilities and earning potential are endless. But everything boils down to your skills, experience, and expertise as a stylist. 

Of course, you must be passionate about making people look and feel beautiful. But formal training is essential to get a good start in the field. You cannot stop after the first step, as upgrading your skills takes you on the growth route. But most stylists get complacent about their careers at some point. They tend to stagnate without a vision to move ahead. However, you may end up losing your clients in the competitive space unless you ramp up your skills regularly. Let us share some proven advice to upgrade your professional styling skills.

Go back to school

Ongoing education can take you a long way in any profession, and styling is not an exception. Consider going back to school for additional programs and courses after passing out. There is always something new to learn with techniques in cutting, styling, and coloring. Check with your training school frequently to learn about new programs and courses on offer. You will probably find something interesting to learn and upgrade. Take time off from work, and invest in career development by joining a refresher program. The good thing is that you can even pursue programs online without interfering with your professional schedules. 

Learn on the job

Nothing gets better than learning on the job as it lets you upgrade skills without spending a dollar. Instead, you make money by learning and earning. Moreover, you need not fit program classes into your tight schedule. Just watch experts, practice, and learn as you work for your clients. Joining a seasoned stylist is the best option if you plan to pick this skill development option. You can learn a lot by only watching them and following their techniques. Be confident as you work on different textures, techniques, and styles as it lets you get better with time.

Follow the trends

The styling industry has new trends around the corner at all times. Skill enhancement is also about staying on track with the latest trends in the domain. In fact, every trend brings something different to work with, so grab the opportunity and dive right in. You only need to be open-minded enough to switch to a new technique by stepping out of your comfort zone. The benefit of keeping pace with trends extends beyond upgrading. It keeps you relevant in the competitive industry as clients appreciate professionals who can deliver the latest and the best.

Upgrade your tools

Upgrading your tools from time to time is another way to ramp up your skills. The styling market is huge, and you can always find something better in tools and accessories. Using the latest ones lets you learn a new skill as a professional. An innovative tool goes beyond giving the best results for your client. It also eases your work and enhances your reputation. While switching to new styling tools is a great option to pick additional skills, most stylists will probably prefer to stick with “our favorite hair shears” when it comes to cutting. It is perfectly valid because quality shears last forever and work like magic over the years.

Attend events and workshops

Another good way to upgrade your skills as a hairstylist is by attending events and workshops. The beauty and styling industry is dynamic, so such events and workshops are always happening. Keep track of local calendars, and schedule for attending them. Traveling for a big one is worthwhile if you can see a celeb stylist in action. You may even get a certificate for attending these workshops. Another benefit of participating in such events is that you get to network and connect with like-minded professionals. You can share tips and tricks that let you get better at work. 

Go through books, articles, and videos

Upgrading as a professional is easier than ever as you have access to endless learning resources these days. The internet has a treasure for anyone who wants to learn and upgrade. Utilize your free time to go through books, articles, and videos because they offer knowledge and guidance on new skills and techniques. Follow a celeb stylist page to see what’s hot in the fashion circles. You can even join an online community to interact with styling professionals and check what is trending in the industry. Besides utilizing these resources, practice the skills on dummies. You may even develop a new skill or technique for yourself with experimentation. 

Stay motivated 

Growing as a professional is also about staying motivated for learning and development. It is easy to stick to your comfort zone once you reach your career goals such as opening up your studio or working for high-end clients. But stagnation can kill your professional growth, so you must not stop learning. Push to learn more and get better because there is no limit to skill enhancement in the beauty industry. You only need to be open to the idea of learning and growing as a professional. Seek inspiration from a top stylist or find a mentor to go above and beyond with your career goals. Remember that you can always move to the next level.

Upgrading your skills as a hairstylist makes you a more confident professional. It also gives you a career boost for bigger and better opportunities. You stay relevant and competitive in the ever-evolving industry. So you must give your best to refresh and upgrade your skills as you go. Even experienced professionals should not stop learning because there is always something new to pick. Try these ideas to go the extra mile with your skills and capabilities in the long run.