Have you heard of Master Class? It is a site that offers online classes taught by people who are the BEST in their field…award-winning chefs, writers and performers. There are over 90 plus hours of classes! They are currently offering a special for a year subscription with unlimited classes for less than $10 per month! Let’s get learning….
How about a creativity and leasdership class with Anna Wintour
Or a filmmaking class with Martin Scorsese.
Or a tennis lesson with Serena Williams
Or a photography lesson with Annie Leibovitz
Or fashion brand building with Diane Von Furstenberg
Or a cooking class with Gordon Ramsay
The list goes on and on!!! For the full class offerings, click HERE
This spring in Stephen Sondheim’s Old Friends, two Broadway icons, Tony Award winners Bernadette…
Image Source – https://www.freepik.com/free-photo/hands-working-network-graphic-overlay-banner…