Well, I never really got around to getting my office to look the way I wanted it to look. AND now we are working exclusively from home. No Starbucks meetings, no working lunches out…just me and my computer and my desk. I cannot run to Homegoods to bail myself out, so I am going to have to use what I have around my house to spruce it up and make it a place I do not dread working in for the next many weeks. Plus, if you have a fully functional home office you can move with ease when the time comes, since this will be exactly what so many people are looking for. When I went to the internet to get some ideas, I thought I can do this…It really should not be that bad. Here are some of the tips that I learned. They helped me and hopefully will help you too!!!
First, we need to have light. Open up the curtains or shade and let the natural light in. It will make the room look bigger and you more lively and relaxed.
Next, think Chic!!! Try to create a space that will inspire you. Maybe add a touch of metallic, like a gold lamp or a pop of color with an Asian garden stool. Take an upholstered chair from another room and use it as your desk chair.
Add some greenery! A plant will freshen up the air and help to keep you feeling calm. I love Fig Ficus trees or snake plants. If you don’t have a plant on hand, go out and cut some greenery from your yard and place them in a tall vase.
Don’t give away your family heirlooms just yet. Decorating is a lot about mixing the old with the new. Use your grandmother’s antique dish as a catch-all on your desk. A vintage glass can make a beautiful pen holder. That odd knick-knack your mom gave you would make an awesome paper weight. Scatter some vintage vases of different heights on a shelf..Remember accessories are the jewelry of the room!!
Artwork can be whimsical. Etsy is a great place to find really cool artwork at great prices. Or even as a project, paint your own modern artwork. You can easily order paints and a canvas. Find the look you like by searching on the internet and create your own painting!!!
Homeownership is one long game of “What did I forget to do this time?” You…
Image credit As you probably know, there are things you need to do in order…