4 Tips To Help You Get Organized After A Move

Moving to a new home can be a very tedious and stressful process, and when you think the worst is over, organizing your things into your new home presents another tough hurdle. However, proper planning can make your after-move experience a lot easier. With all the running around and preparation a move takes, ensuring you have a good plan after your move will help ease the stress, protect your sanity, and kickstart your new life on the right foot. Plus, it will keep your home organized, clutter-free, and without mess. So, are you preparing to move to a new home? Use these tips to stay organized after your move.

  1. Hold off decorating

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For most people, decorating the new space is the most exciting part of the moving process. After all, it’s when you spruce up your home with new decors and add a touch of personal taste to your living space. But please avoid making this your priority for now. Focus on positioning your furniture pieces and large appliances in their right locations first. You’ll also have to organize your shelves, ensure all fixtures are in place, and clean your home before considering decorating, which leads to the next point. 

  1. Decide where the largest furniture pieces will go

Deal with your large-size items like furniture, refrigerator, oven, washing machine, and dishwasher so you can get them out of the way. Once you have these items properly positioned, you’ll have a good idea of where everything else should be. Start with the most cumbersome items like tables, couches, beds, storage units, and other furniture sets. If you’re yet to purchase your furniture, consider buying from a furniture store that has everything you need so don’t waste time tunning around. Plus, some furniture stores like The Idea Room can help you with the designing process to take that stress away from you. 

  1. Unpack one room at a time

If you handled your packing one room at a time, you already know how convenient that strategy makes the moving process. Now apply the same principle when unpacking in your new home – take it one room at a time. Start by labeling all your boxes and separating them into what rooms they should go. Next, move all the labeled boxes into their demarcated rooms and unpack them one room after another. Please don’t pause any unpacking process in one to move to another. Consider unpacking the essential rooms first, like the bedroom, so your unpacking process does not interfere with your daily life.

  1. Have a box of necessities

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You’ll need some specific items every day so you can go about your day. The last thing you want is to be late for work or a meeting because you spent too long ransacking each box to find your toiletries or pair of socks. Things like your jewelry, daily toiletries, important documents, credit cards, and medications should be in easily accessible boxes away from the rest of the items. This way, you can find the important things whenever you need them. Also, unpack what you need to eat or cook immediately, along with other perishable foods. 

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