I have had many requests lately for some of the most popular items during the past few weeks. With holiday shopping in full gear, I kept a list of the items that were trending for self-purchases, just in time to share it with you today. Since the arrival of the new year, I have been asked for dress recommendations and makeup recommendations and of course the unending search for the perfect black pants. Here is a round-up of some of my favorite things this week. Click on the links below to purchase or for more information!
This H&M dress is so amazing. I love the color.
I am obsessed with this incredible clutch.
I have had my eye on this Marni bag forever!!! How cute would it look with the H&M dress above?
If you are looking for a fabulous moisturizer, this is it!!!
Love love the idea of a velvet flat!!!
What a beautiful pair of plaid shoes. Such a great wardrobe staple!
Platform sandals are all the rage now…
I just saw this pretty suit at J Crew and fell in love!!
I have been in love with these earrings forever and now they are on major sale.
There’s nothing better than a little retail therapy, and this week, I’ve rounded…
Mestiza New York has officially stepped into the world of bridal fashion, unveiling its first…