Chloe Marcie Hobo

I have been dreaming of this Chloe bag FOR-EVVAAAAAA!!!!! What color do you like?? I think it is the perfect shape. It comes in different sizes but the large is for me. I love big bags and love the casual slouchy look.

Sex and the City Weekend

Over the lazy long weekend I rented the Sex and the City Movie. I watched it over and over again. I really miss the girls but it was soooo nice to be able to revisit the fashions and all the juicy New York drama!! What a great way to spend a weekend!! Cheers!!

The Perfect Turquoise Earrings

I have been on the hunt for the perfect Turquoise earrings. I am in LOVE with all of these. I can see any of them with my summer outfits. Which do you choose??!!!

Last Day's of Summer

As summer is quickly coming to a close, I am going to take the time to enjoy these last few days. Enjoy all that the beach has to offer, enjoy my fall magazines and maybe even grab one last ice cream to celebrate the end of a wonderful season!!!

Easer Dressing

In case you cannot break away from the chocolate bunnies long enough to pick out an Easter outfit, I thought I would give you some eggcellent suggestions!!! Happy Easter!!!

In Your Easter Basket

Here are some fabulous ideas for the Easter Bunny to adorn your basket!! Of course, if the bunny wants to skip my basket, the purple Birkin will do just fine!!!