I have been searching for over a year for an easy, tasty tomato soup. Our favorite is the one at Panera and I could not find one that I could make at home, that came close, until today….I even bought a pretzel roll and carved it out to make a bread bowl. It was a HUGE hit…both my girls and my parents LOVED it…I hope you do too!!! Bon Appetit!!!
WOW……the days are flying by and it has been so long since I have done a fashion vision board post. I decided to try again. My old board posting site closed down and a new company/format took over and its taken me a little time to get it right. Soooo here goes…These are some of my favorite styles for fall…As always, I am loving leopard, anything fur and embellished shoes. J Crew has had some amazing pieces…and I added a few splurges in there too…because a girl can dream, no?
I told you if we waited a couple of weeks, the really good merchandise would start rolling in. The Port Chester Home Goods store was packed with an outstanding selection. I am hoping that this continues and I am going to try to keep up with the weekly or every other week re-caps. All of the merchandise below was spotted yesterday!! Happy Shopping!!!!
This week I wanted to share a quick easy family dinner that I started making last fall. It’s a great choice and the spinach and kale combo fills it with just the right amount of superfoods. It will be very hard for your family to turn this dish down!!!! Bon Appetit.
I cannot believe that next week marks the beginning of November….this year FLEW for my family. I really need to get on the fall decorating. I have done a little but I need to get more done before hosting our annual Thanksgiving dinner. I think I will start with my bar cart. I love some of the ideas that I found below. My favorite is the one with the feather arrangement!!! But I really do love them all.