When looking forward to Fall Fashion, a staple in one’s wardrobe is the JEAN!!! Colored jeans are sticking around as well as the skinny, boot leg and flare…which do you choose???
I feel like these days, I have a uniform. For fall and winter I tend to lean towards flare jeans, a feminine blouse and a fur vest or cashmere cape. My shoes of choice are flats, black, a skin or an animal print!!! Whats are your favorites?? Do you have a uniform???
Last night I had dinner with some girl friends. I cannot stop thinking about my friend’s wonderful outfit. I loved the scarab blouse and her fabulous gold cuff pulled the look all together. I hope she can guess who she is!!!
I have been dreaming of this Chloe bag FOR-EVVAAAAAA!!!!! What color do you like?? I think it is the perfect shape. It comes in different sizes but the large is for me. I love big bags and love the casual slouchy look.
Over the lazy long weekend I rented the Sex and the City Movie. I watched it over and over again. I really miss the girls but it was soooo nice to be able to revisit the fashions and all the juicy New York drama!! What a great way to spend a weekend!! Cheers!!