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Daily Archives: March 25, 2021

Daphne Oz Caesar Salad That You Will Not Be Able To Stop Eating!!!

I have been following Daphne Oz for about a year now. I love the recipes she shares on her Instagram. A few weeks ago she shared her grandmother’s Caesar Salad recipe saying that her kids cannot get enough of it. My entire family LOVES Caesar salad and honestly, this one is a home run. Daphne recommends making the salad in a HUGE wooden bowl. I found THIS one on Amazon and just ordered it. The bowl I have now is a little too small!!

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4 garlic cloves, creamed
1 tsp dry mustard
1 tablespoon capers plus brine
4 anchovies, chopped (optional)
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp red wine vinegar
Juice of 3 lemons
1/2 cup olive oil (more to taste – we like it tart!)
1/2 tsp honey (optional)
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup shaved Parmesan cheese
3 Romaine hearts, torn or chopped

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Mash garlic, mustard, capers, and anchovies (if using) together with a large pinch of kosher salt until combined. Add lemon juice, vinegar & Worcestershire sauce, and whisk in olive oil. Taste for salt and pepper. Add honey if desired, then cheese. Toss with romaine and top with more cheese! Devour.